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Singles ★★★ 1992 (PG-13)

Seattle's music scene is the background for this lighthearted look at single 20-somethings in the '90s. Hits dead on thanks to Crowe's tight script and a talented cast, and speaks straight to its intended audience—the “Generation X” crowd. Real life band Pearl Jam plays alternative band Citizen Dick and sets the tone for a great soundtrack featuring the hot Seattle sounds of Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, and Mudhoney. The video contains six extra minutes of footage after the credits that was thankfully edited out of the final cut. Look for Horton, Stoltz (as a mime), Skerritt, and Burton in cameos. 100m/C VHS, DVD . Matt Dillon, Bridget Fonda, Campbell Scott, Kyra Sedgwick, Sheila Kelley, Jim True-Frost, Bill Pullman, James LeGros, Ally Walker, Devon Raymond, Camillo Gallardo, Jeremy Piven; Cameos: Peter Horton, Eric Stoltz, Tim Burton, Tom Skerritt; D: Cameron Crowe; W: Cameron Crowe; C: Ueli Steiger; M: Paul Westerberg.

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