Sims, Henry P., Jr.

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SIMS, Henry P., Jr.

SIMS, Henry P., Jr. American, b. 1939. Genres: Business/Trade/Industry, Industrial relations, Institutions/Organizations, Administration/Management. Career: Maryland Business School, professor of management and organization, past director of doctoral program. Hong Kong Baptist University, Ful- bright scholar, 1995; Pennsylvania State University, founding academic director of Human Resources Management Program; also taught at Indiana University-Bloomington, University of California, Irvine, 1975, Stanford University, and George Mason University. Ford Motor Co., worked as project engineer, design engineer, skilled trades supervisor in Steel Division, and corporate staff management consultant; worked as management trainee for U.S. Steel Corp. and Armco Steel Corp.; consultant to businesses and government agencies in the United States and abroad. Publications: (with D.A. Gioia) The Thinking Organization: Dynamics of Organizational Social Cognition, 1986; (with C.C. Manz) SuperLeadership: Leading Others to Lead Themselves, 1989; (with P. Lorenzi) The New Leadership Paradigm: Social Learning and Cognition in Organizations, 1992; (with C.C. Manz) Business without Bosses: How Self-Managing Teams Are Building High Performance Companies, 1993; (with C.C. Manz) Company of Heroes: Unleashing the Power of Self-Leadership, 1996; (with C.C. Manz) The New SuperLeader- ship, 2001. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Van Munching Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, U.S.A. Online address:;

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