Sills, Leslie (Elka)

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SILLS, Leslie (Elka)

SILLS, Leslie (Elka). American, b. 1948. Genres: Art/Art history, Children's non-fiction, Biography, Photography. Career: Artist and sculptor, 1970-; Children's Creative Clay Studio School, Brookline, Mass., founder, director, and teacher, 1975-; writer, 1986-. Has exhibited art at numerous institutions. Frequent lecturer on art. Publications: Inspirations: Stories about Women Artists, 1989; Visions: Stories about Women Artists, 1993; In Real Life: Six Women Photographers, 2000. Contributor to books. Address: 38 St. Paul St, Apt. #3, Brookline, MA 02446-6502, U.S.A. Online address:

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