Sheftel, Victor O.
SHEFTEL, Victor O.
SHEFTEL, Victor O. Israeli (born Russia), b. 1936. Genres: Medicine/ Health, Environmental sciences/Ecology. Career: Research Institute of General and Commune Hygiene, Kiev, U.S.S.R., scientific fellow, 1961-68; All-Union Research Institute of Hygiene and Toxicology of Pesticides, Polymers, and Plastics, Kiev, scientific fellow and team leader, 1968-89; Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, Israel, chief environmental toxicologist, 1990-. Publications: Toxic Properties of Polymers and Additives, 1990; Handbook of Toxic Properties of Monomers and Additives, 1995; Farewell to Russian (poems), 1996; Indirect Food Additives: Migration and Toxicology, 2000. Author or co-author of 10 books in Russian on the subject of toxicology. Contributor to scientific journals. Address: Ministry of Health, 20 King David St., PO Box 1176, 91010 Jerusalem, Israel. Online address: