Sharkansky, Ira

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SHARKANSKY, Ira. American/Israeli, b. 1938. Genres: Economics, Politics/Government. Career: Ball State University, Muncie, IN, assistant professor of political science, 1964-65; Florida State University, Tallahassee, assistant professor, 1965-66; University of Georgia, assistant professor, 1966- 68; University of Wisconsin, Madison, associate professor, 1968-71, professor of political science, 1971-75; Hebrew University of Jerusalem, professor of political science, 1975-. Publications: Spending in the American States, 1968; Politics of Taxing and Spending, 1969; Regionalism in American Politics, 1970; The Routines of Politics, 1970; Public Administration: Policy- Making in Government Agencies, 1970, rev. ed., 1972; The Maligned States, 1972; (with R.L. Lineberry) Urban Politics and Public Policy, 1974; The United States, 1975; Wither the State?, 1979; What Makes Israel Tick?, 1985; The Political Enemy of Israel, 1987; Ancient and Modern Israel: An Exploration of Political Parallels, 1991; Israel and Its Bible, 1996; Governing Jerusalem, 1996; Rituals of Conflict: Religion, Politics and Public Policy in Israel, 1996; Policy Making in Israel, 1997; Ambiguity, Coping and Governance, 1999; The Politics of Religion and the Religion of Politics, 2000; Politics and Policymaking: In Search of Simplicity, 2002; Coping with Terror: An Israeli Perspective, 2003. Address: Dept. of Political Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Online address: