Shammas, Anton

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SHAMMAS, Anton. Israeli, b. 1951. Genres: Novels, Poetry. Career: Novelist, poet, translator, editor, television producer. Ha-Yir (weekly periodical), Tel Aviv, Israel, columnist, and reporter; A'sharq (monthly literary journal), Jerusalem, Israel, editor, 1970-75; freelance journalist in Israel; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, currently professor of Near Eastern Studies, 1989-. Publications: Asir Yaqzati wa Nowmi (poetry; in Arabic; title means: The Juice of Wakefulness and Sleep), 1974; Krikha Kasha (poetry; title means: Hardcover), 1974; Ha-Sifrut ha-'Arvit be-Yi'srael leahar 1967, 1976; Shetah hefker: shirim (poetry; title means: No-Man's Land), c. 1979; 'Arabeskot (novel), 1986, trans. Vivian Eden as Arabesques, 1988. Translator of Emile Habiby's The Pessoptimist; author of bilingual version of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Department of Near Eastern Studies, 2081 Frieze, 1285, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A. Online address: