Sellers, Heather (Laurie)
SELLERS, Heather (Laurie)
SELLERS, Heather (Laurie). American, b. 1964. Genres: Poetry, Novels. Career: University of Texas-San Antonio, assistant professor of English, 1992-95; Hope College, Holland, MI, associate professor of English, 1995- 2002; Saint Lawrence University, Canton, NY, Viebranz Professor, 2002-. Artist in residence at Hawthornden in Scotland, in Seaside, FL, the Millay Colony, and Ragdale. Publications: Your Whole Life: Poems, 1994; Georgia under Water (novel), 2001. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of poetry to literary magazines. Address: Department of English, Lubbers Hall, Hope College, Holland, MI 49423, U.S.A. Online address:
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Sellers, Heather (Laurie)