Segal, Lynne

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SEGAL, Lynne

SEGAL, Lynne. British (born Australia), b. 1943. Genres: Psychology, Human relations/Parenting, Women's studies and issues, Humanities. Career: Professor of Gender Studies in psychology at an institution in London, England, 1970-. Publications: What Is to Be Done about the Family?, 1983; Is the Future Female? Troubled Thoughts on Contemporary Feminism, 1987; Slow Motion: Changing Masculinities, Changing Men, 1990; (ed.) Sex Exposed: Sexuality and the Pornography Debate, 1992; Straight Sex: The Politics of Pleasure, 1994; Why Feminism? Gender, Psychology, Politics, 1999. Address: 75 Balfour Rd, London N5 2HD, England. Online address:

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