Searls, Hank

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SEARLS, Hank. (Henry Hunt Searls, Jr). American, b. 1922. Genres: Novels, Science fiction/Fantasy, Plays/Screenplays, Biography. Career: Free lance writer, 1959-. Writer for Hughes Aircraft, Culver City, CA, 1955-56, Douglas Aircraft, Santa Monica, CA, 1956-57, and Warner Brothers, Burbank, CA, 1959. Publications: The Big X, 1959; The Crowded Sky, 1960; The Astronaut, 1960; The Pilgrim Project, 1964; The Hero Ship, 1969; The Lost Prince: Young Joe, The Forgotten Kennedy, 1969; Overboard, 1977; Sounding, 1982; Blood Song, 1984; The Adventures of Mike Blair, 1988; Altitude Zero, 1991. NOVELS: Pentagon, 1971; Never Kill a Cop, 1977; Jaws 2 (novelization of screenplay), 1978; Firewind, 1981; Jaws: The Revenge, 1987; Kataki, 1987. Address: c/o Scovil Chichak Galen Literary Agency Inc., 381 Park Ave S Ste 1020, New York, NY 10016, U.S.A. On- line address:

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