Sante, Luc
SANTE, Luc. Belgian, b. 1954. Genres: Adult non-fiction. Career: Freelance journalist and critic. Strand Book Store, NYC, clerk, 1976-79; New York Review of Books, NYC, mail clerk and editorial assistant, 1980- 84; Sports Illustrated, NYC, proofreader, 1987-90; Columbia University (School of the Arts), NYC, adjunct assistant professor of writing, 1994-97; New School, associate professor of writing, 1999; Bard College, visiting professor of writing and photography, 1999-. Publications: Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York, 1991; Evidence, 1992; The Factory of Facts, 1998; (ed. with M.H. Pierson) O.K. You Mugs: Writers on Movie Actors, 1999; Walker Evans, 2001. Contributor of essays and book, film, popular music, art, and photography reviews to periodicals. Address: 283 Lapla Rd, Kingston, NY 12401, U.S.A. Online address: