Sandford, John

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SANDFORD, John. (John Camp). American, b. 1944. Genres: Novels, Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Adult non-fiction, Medicine/Health. Career: Miami Herald, Miami, FL, reporter, 1971-78; St. Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul, MN, reporter and columnist, 1978-89; writer. Publications: PREY SERIES: Rules of Prey, 1989; Shadow Prey, 1990; Eyes of Prey, 1991; Silent Prey, 1992; Night Prey, 1994; Mind Prey, 1995; Secret Prey, 1998; Certain Prey, 1999; Easy Prey, 2000; Chosen Prey, 2001; Mortal Prey, 2002; Naked Prey, 2003. KIDD SERIES: The Fool's Run, 1989; The Empress File, 1991; The Devil's Code, 2000; The Hanged Man's Song, 2003. OTHER: The Eye and the Heart: The Watercolors of John Stuart Ingle, 1988; Plastic Surgery: The Kindest Cuts (nonfiction), 1989; The Night Crew, 1997. Address: c/o Esther Newberg, ICM, 40 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019, U.S.A. Online address:

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