Sampson, Anthony (Terrell Seward)

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SAMPSON, Anthony (Terrell Seward)

SAMPSON, Anthony (Terrell Seward). British, b. 1926. Genres: International relations/Current affairs, Politics/Government. Career: Ed., Drum mag., Johannesburg, 1951-55; Staff member, 1955-66, and Chief American Correspondent, 1973-74, The Observer, London; former Ed., Observer mag; Chairman, Society of Authors, 1992-94. Publications: Drum: A Venture into the New Africa, 1956; The Treason Cage, 1958; Common- sense about Africa, 1960; (with S. Pienaar) South Africa: Two Views of Separate Development, 1960; Anatomy of Britain, 1962; Anatomy of Britain Today, 1965; Macmillan: A Study in Ambiguity, 1967; The New Europeans, 1968; The New Anatomy of Britain, 1971; The Sovereign State: The Secret History of ITT, 1973; The Seven Sisters: The Great Oil Companies and the World They Made, 1975; The Arms Bazaar, 1977; The Money Lenders, 1981; The Changing Anatomy of Britain, 1982; Empires of the Sky, 1984; Black and Gold: Tycoons, Revolutionaries, and Apartheid, 1987; The Midas Touch: Money, People and Power from West to East, 1989; Essential Anatomy of Britain, 1992; Company Man, 1995; Scholar Gypsy, 1996; Mandela, the Authorised Biography, 1999. Address: 10 Hereford Mansions, Hereford Rd, London W2 5BA, England. Online address:

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