Ryan, Frank
RYAN, Frank
RYAN, Frank. Irish/British, b. 1944. Genres: Novels, Mystery/Crime/ Suspense, Medicine/Health, Sciences. Career: Physician in private practice, Sheffield, England; author. Swift Publishers, editorial director; Bolton Fine Arts gallery, director. Publications: NOVELS: Sweet Summer, 1987; Tiger, Tiger, 1989; Goodbye Baby Blue, 1990; Taking Care of Harry, 2001. NON- FICTION: The Eskimo Diet (health), 1991; The Forgotten Plague: How the Battle against Tuberculosis Was Won-And Lost, 1993; Virus X, 1998; Taking Care of Harry, 2001; Darwin's Blind Spot: Evolution beyond Natural Selection, 2003. Address: c/o Bill Hamilton, 79 St. Martin's Ln, London WC2N 4AA, England. Online address: ryanfrankp@aol.com
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