Russo, Marisabina
RUSSO, Marisabina
RUSSO, Marisabina. American, b. 1950. Genres: Children's fiction. Career: Author and illustrator of children's books. Has exhibited works worldwide. Publications: AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR: The Line up Book, 1986; Why Do Grown-ups Have All the Fun?, 1987; Only Six More Days, 1988; Waiting for Hannah, 1989; Where Is Ben?, 1990; A Visit to Oma, 1991; Alex Is My Friend, 1992; Trade-in Mother, 1993; Time to Wake Up!, 1994; I Don't Want to Go Back to School, 1994; Grandpa Abe, 1996; Under the Table, 1997; When Mama Gets Home, 1998; Hannah's Baby Sister, 1998. Illustrator of books by N. Giovanni, E. Burton Brown, M. and D. Blocksma, N. Van Laan, H. Plotz, S.G. Fowler, S. Calmenson, S. Straight, K. Henkes, E. Rice. Address: c/o Greenwillow Books, 10 E. 53rd St., New York, NY 10022, U.S.A. Online address: