Russell, Helen Ross
RUSSELL, Helen Ross
RUSSELL, Helen Ross. American, b. 1915. Genres: Children's non-fiction, Education, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: Freelance writer and consultant, 1966-; Teacher in public schs., 1934-46; Professor, 1946-56, and Academic Dean, 1956-66, Fitchburg State College President, American Nature Study Society, 1974; Ed., Nature Study, 1981-98. Publications: City Critters, 1969, rev. ed., 1975; True Book of Buds, 1970; Clarion the Killdeer, 1970; Winter Search Party, 1971; Winter: A Field Trip Guide, 1972; Small Worlds: A Field Trip Guide, 1972; Soil: A Field Trip Guide, 1972; The True Book of Springtime Tree Seeds, 1972; Ten Minute Field Trips, Using the School Grounds for Environmental Studies (teacher's book), 1973, rev. ed., 1998; Water: A Field Trip Guide, 1973; Earth the Great Recycler, 1973; Foraging for Dinner, 1975; Wave Hill Trail Guide, 1978; (with D. Fitzgerald and B. Devans) Teachers Guide: Eastern Woodland & Plains Indians of the American Museum of Natural History, 1988; Interpreters Manual, Bugs and Other Insects, 1989; (ed.) First Nations People: Teaching about Native American Culture and Environment, 1994; Journey through the 20th Century (memoir), 2003. Address: 44 College Dr, Jersey City, NJ 07305, U.S.A. On- line address: