Rubin, Charles

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RUBIN, Charles

RUBIN, Charles. American, b. 1953. Genres: Information science/ Computers. Career: Computer technology writer and consultant. Personal Computing, editor, 1983-; Macintosh Business Review, served as executive editor; publicity and marketing communications program designer for companies, 1989-. Publications: The Endless Apple: How to Maintain State- of-the-Art Performance on Your Apple II and IIE, 1984; (with M. McCarthy) Thinking Small: The Buyer's Guide to Portable Computers, 1984; Apple- works: Boosting Your Business with Integrated Software, 1985, rev ed, 1987; Appleworks: The Microsoft Desktop Dictionary and Cross-Reference Guide, 1986; Microsoft Works on the Apple Macintosh, 1986, as Running Microsoft Works 3 for the Apple Macintosh, 1993; (with B. Calica) Macintosh Hard Disk Management, 1988, rev ed, 1989; The Macintosh Bible, What Do I Do Now? Book: What to Do Instead of Panicking, 1990, rev ed, 1991; Running Microsoft Works, 1990, rev ed, 1993; The Macintosh Bible Guide to System 7: The Most Dramatic Changes Ever in the Mac's System Software, 1991; The Macintosh Bible Guide to FileMaker Pro: All You Need to Know to Manage Your Files Quickly and Efficiently, 1991, 2nd ed., 1993; The Macintosh Bible Guide to System 7.1, 1992; The Little Book of Computer Wisdom: How to Make Friends with Your PC or Mac, 1995; The Macintosh Bible Guide to ClarisWorks 3, 1995; (with J.C. Levinson) Guerrilla Marketing On- line: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Earning Profits on the Internet, 1995; (with J.C. Levinson) Guerrilla Marketing Online Weapons: 100 Low-Cost, High-Impact Weapons for Online Profits and Prosperity, 1996; Managing Your Business with QuickBooks, 1997. Contributor of articles to periodicals. Address: c/o Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth St., Berkeley, CA 94710, U.S.A. Online address:; or