Rowan, Roy

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ROWAN, Roy. American, b. 1920. Genres: Documentaries/Reportage. Career: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, transportation officer in central China, beginning in 1946; Time Inc., NYC, staff member, 1948-71, including reporter for Life, bureau chief for Time and Life in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Saigon, Rome, Bonn, and Chicago, IL, national affairs editor of Life, 1959-61, assistant managing editor, beginning in 1961; Seascape Publications, founder, 1970, publisher of the magazines On the Sound and On the Shore, 1970-72; Time Inc., bureau chief for Time in China, Vietnam, Southeast Asia, and Australia, beginning in 1972. Fortune Magazine, senior editor, 1977-85. Guest on television and radio programs. Publications: The Four Days of Mayaguez, 1975; The Intuitive Manager, 1986; (co-ed.) A Day in the Life of Italy, 1990; Powerful People (memoir), 1996; First Dogs, 1997; Surfcaster's Quest, 1999; Solomon Starbucks Striper (fable), 2003. Contributor to magazines. Address: 633 Steamboat Road #4, Greenwich, CT 06830, U.S.A. Online address:

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