Rotelle, John E.

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ROTELLE, John E. American, b. 1939. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Lecturer, Villanova University, PA, 1966, 1982; chairman of Coetus Study Group, Vatican, Italy, 1968-70; English secretary, Papal Commission, Vatican, 1968-70; lecturer, Augustinianum, Rome, 1970; executive secretary, International Commission on English in the Liturgy, 1973-80; lecturer, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, 1972-80; lecturer, Holy Cross College, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1976; director, Augustinian Heritage Institute, Villanova, 1986-; director, Augustinian Press, Villanova, 1983-. Publications: The Vineyards of Pleasant Hills, 1986. EDITOR: Ever Ancient…Ever New, Vols I, II, III, 1985, 1986; We Are Your Servants: Augustine's Homilies on Ministry, 1986; Augustine Day by Day, 1986; Augustine's Rule, 1987; The Pelican, 1987; My Mother, 1987; Augustinian Law and Charism, 1988; Blessed Simon Fidati of Cascia, 1988; The True Priest, 1988; The Life of Saint Augustine, 1988; Mary's Yes- Meditations on Mary through the Ages, 1989; The Message of Saint Rita of Cascia, Vol 16, 1989; The Confessions of Blessed Alonso de Orozco, Vol 23, 1991; William Flete O.S.A. and Catherine of Siena: Masters of 14th Century Spirituality, Vol 15, 1992; Friar, Reformer, and Renaissance Scholar: Life and Work of Giles of Viterbo, 1469-1532, 1992; Journey with the Fathers: Commentaries on the Sunday Gospels, Year A, 1992; Life of the Brethren, 1993; Tradition Day by Day: Readings from Church Writers, 1994. Editor and writer for periodicals. Address: PO Box 476, Villanova, PA 19085, U.S.A. Online address:

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