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Romola ★★½ 1925

Silent adven ture. After Powell and his father are at tacked by pirates, Powell escapes. But in stead of rescuing his father, he opts for a life of corruption. Dad eventually escapes and returns to exact vengeance. A rather expensive film in its day, troubled by mo dernday sights in what was supposed to be old Florence. Gish's drowning scene had to be reshot because she wouldn't sink. Colman arranged for his then-wife Raye to have a bit part, but they were di vorced soon after the film was finished. 120m/B VHS . Lillian Gish, Dorothy Gish, William Powell, Ronald Colman, Charles Lane, Herbert Grimwood, Bonaventure Ibanez, Frank Puglia, Thelma Raye; D: Henry King.

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