Roland, Charles G.

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ROLAND, Charles G.

ROLAND, Charles G. Canadian, b. 1933. Genres: History, Medicine/ Health, Bibliography, Biography, Reference. Career: Practiced medicine in Ontario, 1959-64; American Medical Association, senior editor, 1964-69; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, professor of history of medicine, 1969-77; Mc- Master University, Hamilton, ON, Jason A. Hannah Professor of the History of Medicine, 1977-99, emeritus professor, 1999-. Publications: (with L.S. King) Scientific Writing, 1971; Good Scientific Writing: An Anthology, 1971; William Osler's "The Master Word in Medicine": A Study in Rhetoric, 1972; (with E.F. Nation and McGovern) An Annotated Checklist of Osleriana, 1976, vol. 2, 2000; (with L.S. Baker and G.S. Gilchrist) You and Leukemia, 1976; (with P. Potter) An Annotated Bibliography of Canadian Medical Periodicals, 1826-1975, 1979; Secondary Sources in the History of Canadian Medicine: A Bibliography, 1985, vol. 2, 2000; (with R.L. Golden) Sir William Osler, 1849-1919: An Annotated Bibliography with Illustrations, 1988; Clarence Hincks: Mental Health Crusader, 1990; Courage under Siege, 1992; Harold N. Segall: Pioneer of Canadian Cardiology, 1994; Long Night's Journey into Day: Prisoners of War in Hong Kong and Japan, 1941-1945, 2001. FORTHCOMING: The Gray, Dismal Experience; Biography of Dr. Jacob Markowitz (19011969). EDITOR: (with J.P. McGovern) William Osler: The Continuing Education, 1969; E.P. Scarlett, In Sickness and in Health, 1972; (with J.D. Key) The Origin of Vaccine Inoculation by Edward Jenner, M.D., F.R.S., 1977; (and contrib.) Health, Disease, and Medicine: Essays in Canadian History, 1983; (with J.A. Barondess and McGovern) The Persisting Osler: Selected Transactions of the First Ten Years of the American Osler Society, 1985, vol. 2, 1995, vol. 3, 2001; (with McGovern) The Collected Essays of Sir William Osler, vol. 1: The Philosophical Essays, vol. 2: The Educational Essays, vol. 3: The Historical and Biographical Essays, 1985; (with Barondess) The Persisting Osler 2: Selected Transactions of the Second Ten Years of the American Osler Society, 1994. Contributor to anthologies and to medical and history journals. Address: HSC-3N10, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada L8N 3Z5. Online address:

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Roland, Charles G.

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