Rodger, N(icholas) A(ndrew) M(artin)
RODGER, N(icholas) A(ndrew) M(artin)
RODGER, N(icholas) A(ndrew) M(artin). New Zealander, b. 1949. Genres: Military/Defense/Arms control. Career: Public Record Office, London, assistant keeper, 1974-91; Anderson Fellow at National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, England, Anderson Fellow, 1992-. Royal History Society, Society of Antiquaries, fellow. Publications: The Admiralty, 1979; Articles of War: The Statutes Which Governed Our Fighting Navies, 1661, 1749, and 1886, 1982; Naval Records for Genealogists, 1984; The Wooden World: An Anatomy of the Georgian Navy, 1986; The Armada in the Public Records, 1988; (ed. with G.J.A. Raven and M.C.F. van Drunen) Navies and Armies: The AngloDutch Relationship in War and Peace, 1688-1988, 1990; The Insatiable Earl: A Life of John Montagu, Fourth Earl of Sandwich, 1718- 1792, 1993; (ed.) Naval Power in the Twentieth Century, 1994; The Safeguard of the Sea: A Naval History of Britain, 660-1649, 1998. Contributor of articles on naval history to French and British periodicals. Address: c/o Curtis Brown John Farquharson, Haymarket House, 28/29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP, England. Online address: