Roberts, Derek Harry
ROBERTS, Derek Harry
ROBERTS, Derek Harry. British, b. 1931. Genres: Antiques/Furnishings, Medicine/Health. Career: Formerly, Hon. Lecturer, Eastman Dental Hospital, Institute of Dental Surgery, London. Publications: (with J. Sowray) Local Analgesia in Dentistry, 1970, 3rd ed., 1987; Fixed Bridge Prostheses, 1970; (ed. with F.J. Harty) Restorative Procedures for the Practicing Dentist, 1970; Precision Pendulum Clocks, 1986; British Skeleton Clocks, 1987; Continental and American Skeleton Clocks, 1989; Collector's Guide to Clocks, 1990; British Longcase Clocks, 1992; Carriage Clocks, 1993; Mystery, Novelty & Fantasy Clock, 1998. Address: 25 Shipbourne Rd, Tonbridge, Kent TN10 3DN, England. Online address:
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Roberts, Derek Harry