Riordon, Michael

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RIORDON, Michael

RIORDON, Michael. Canadian, b. 1944. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Plays/Screenplays, Gay and lesbian issues. Career: Free-lance writer and film director, 1964-. Producer of "From a Different Perspective," a radio documentary series, 1984-85, and independent documentaries for CBC Radio. Publications: A Jungle Out There (two-act play), 1989; The First Stone: Homosexuality and the United Church (nonfiction), 1990; Uranium (documentary film), 1990; Out Our Way: Gay & Lesbian Life in the Country (non-fiction), 1996. RADIO PLAYS: The Other Cheek, 1980; Particles, 1983; Quiet in the Hills, 1983; The Other Side of the Moon, 1984; Albert, Albert, 1986; The Rising of the North, 1986; Rapture, 1987; The Story of the Beginning of the End of Things, 1988; Crisis: A Trio of Morality Plays, 1988; Political Asylum, 1989; Garbage, 1989; The Middle of Nowhere (a series of 14 mysteries), 1993. Address: RR 9, 62 Chickery Hill Road, Picton, ON, Canada K0K 2T0. Online address:

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