Rhodes, R. A. W.

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RHODES, R. A. W. British, b. 1944. Genres: Politics/Government. Career: University of Essex, Colchester, England, reader in politics and chair of department, 1987-89; University of York, Heslington, England, professor of politics and head of department, 1989-94; University of Newcastle, professor of politics (research), 1994-; Economic and Social Research Council "White- hall" programme director, 1994-99. Publications: (with C. Hull) Intergovern- mental Relations in the European Community, 1977; Public Administration and Policy Analysis, 1979; (with others) Central-Local Government Relations, 1979; Control and Power in Central-Local Government Relations, 1981, rev. ed., 1999; (with others) The New British Political System, 1983; rev. ed. as The Changing British Political System, 1988; The National World of Local Government, 1986; Beyond Westminster and Whitehall, 1988, rev. ed., 1992; (with others) Reformare la Pubblica Amministrazione, 1995; Understanding Governance, 1997. EDITOR: Training in the Civil Service, 1977; (with V. Wright) Tensions in the Territorial Politics of Western Europe, 1987; (with D. Marsh) Policy Networks in British Government, 1992; (with D. Marsh) Implementing Thatcherite Policies, 1992; (with P. Dunleavy) Prime Minister, Cabinet and Core Executive, 1995; (with H. Bakvis and P. Weller) The Hollow Crown, 1997; (with B.G. Peters and V. Wright) Administering the Summit, 1999; British Government and Politics, 2 vols., 2000; Transforming British Government, 2 vols., 2000; (with P. Weller) Mandarins or Valets?, 2000. Address: Department of Politics, University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 7RU, England. Online address: r.a.w.rhodes@ncl.ac.uk

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