Redshaw, Peggy A(nn)
REDSHAW, Peggy A(nn)
REDSHAW, Peggy A(nn). American, b. 1948. Genres: History. Career: St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO, postdoctoral fellow at Medical School, 1974-77; Wilson College, Chambersburg, PA, assistant professor of biology, 1977-79; Austin College, Sherman, TX, assistant professor to professor of biology, 1979-. Council on Undergraduate Research, member. Telling Our Stories (autobiography writing project), codirector, 1990-. Publications: (with E.H. Phillips and J.B. Lincecum) Science on the Texas Frontier: The Observations of Dr. Gideon Lincecum, 1997; (with J.B. Lincecum and E.H. Phillips) Gideon Lincecum's Sword: Civil War Letters from the Home Front, 2001. Address: Austin College, 900 N Grand Ave., Sherman, TX 75090, U.S.A. Online address: