Ratliff, William

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RATLIFF, William

RATLIFF, William. American, b. 1937. Genres: International relations/ Current affairs, Politics/Government, Economics, History, Law. Career: Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA, research fellow, 1968-69, part-time research fellow, 1979-86, senior research fellow and curator of Americas and International collections, 1986-. Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA, stringer, 1975-96; Opera News, stringer, 1978-93; Times Tribune, Palo Alto, CA, journalist, critic, and editorial writer, 1979-86. Publications: Castroism and Communism in Latin America: The Varieties of Marxist-Leninist Experience, 1976; Follow the Leader in the Horn: The Cuban-Soviet Presence in East Africa, 1986; (with R. Fontaine) Changing Course: The Capitalist Revolution in Argentina, 1990; (with R. Fontaine) Argentina's Capitalist Revolution Revisited: Confronting the Social Costs of Statist Mistakes, 1993; (with R.M. Bengoechea) The Civil War in Nicaragua: Inside the Sandinistas, 1993; (with E. Buscaglia) Legal Reform in Latin America, 1995; (with E. Buscaglia) The Law and Economics of Development, 1997; (with E. Buscaglia) Law and Economics in Developing Countries, 2000. EDITOR: (with S. Amaral) Juan Domingo Peron: Cartas del exilio, 1991; Juan Antonio Rodriguez Menier: Inside the Cuban Interior Ministry, 1994. Contributing editor of books. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A. Online address: Ratliff@Hoover.Stanford.edu

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