Raphael, Lev

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RAPHAEL, Lev. American, b. 1954. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Novellas/Short stories, Autobiography/Memoirs, Psychology, Mystery/Crime/ Suspense, Essays. Career: Michigan State University, East Lansing, instructor in education, 1983-85, assistant professor of American thought and language, 1986-88; scholar and writer, 1988-. Adjunct instructor, Fordham University at Lincoln Center, 1976-80, and John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York, 1979. Publications: (Co-author) The Dynamics of Power, 1983, rev. ed., 1991; Dancing on Tisha B'Av (short stories), 1990; (co-author) Stick Up for Yourself! (young adult), 1990, teacher's guide (with G. Johnson and G. Kaufman), 1991; Edith Wharton's Prisoners of Shame: A New Perspective on Her Neglected Fiction, 1991; Winter Eyes, 1992; (co-author) Coming Out of Shame, 1996; Journeys and Arrivals, 1996; Let's Get Criminal, 1996; The Edith Wharton Murders, 1998; The Death of a Constant Lover, 1999; Little Miss Evil, 2000; Burning Down the House, 2001. Address: PO Box 1606, Okemos, MI 48805, U.S.A.

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