Randsborg, Klavs
RANDSBORG, Klavs. Danish, b. 1944. Genres: Archaeology/Antiquities. Career: University of Copenhagen, Denmark, lecturer, 1971, senior lecturer, 1971, reader, 1972-88, professor of archaeology, 1988-, research professor, 1990-; University of Gothenburg, professor, 1989-92. Visiting professor at Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 1975-76, University of Amsterdam, 1980-81, and University of Frankfurt, 1989; guest lecturer at universities. Guest on TV and radio programs in Copenhagen, London, and Rome. Field work in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Chechnya, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Sudan, Benin, Ghana, USA. Publications: The Viking Age in Denmark: The Formation of a State, 1980; The Making of Britain, 1984; The First Millennium A.D. in Europe and the Mediterranean: An Archaeological Essay, 1991; Le vie della preistoria, 1992; Barbarians, Classical Antiquity, and the Rise of Western Europe, Past and Present, 1992; Archaeology and the Man-Made Material Reality, 1992; Kivik: Archaeology and Iconography, 1993; Hjortspring: Warfare and Sacrifice between the Bronze Age and Rome, 1995; Absolute Chronology: Archaeological Europe 2,500-500 B.C., 1996; Kephellenia: Archaeology & History, the Ancient Greek Cities, I-II, 2002. Contributor to scientific journals and newspapers. Address: Institute of Archaeology, University of Copenhagen, Vandkunsten 5, DK-1467 Copenhagen, Denmark. Online address: randsb@hum.ku.dk