Randolph, Elizabeth

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RANDOLPH, Elizabeth

RANDOLPH, Elizabeth. American, b. 1930. Genres: Animals/Pets. Career: Writer. Publications: Your Pet's Complete Record Book, 1977; How to Be Your Cat's Best Friend, 1981; (with W.J. Kay) The Complete Book of Dog Health, 1985; (with W.J. Kay) The Complete Book of Cat Health, 1985; How to Help Your Puppy Grow Up to Be a Wonderful Dog, 1987; The Basic Bird Book, 1989; The Basic Book of Fish Keeping, 1990; (with B. Dibra) Dog Training by Bash, 1991; Rabbits and Other Furry Pets, 1992; (with B. Dibra) Teach Your Dog to Behave, 1993; The Veterinarians' Guide to Your Cat's Symptoms, 1999; The Veterinarians' Guide to Your Dog's Symptoms, 1999; (with B. Dibra) Cat Speak, 2001. Address: 606 Shore Acres Dr, Mamaroneck, NY 10543, U.S.A. Online address: ehettich@aol.com

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Randolph, Elizabeth

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