Rajan, Tilottama

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RAJAN, Tilottama

RAJAN, Tilottama. Canadian (born United States), b. 1951. Genres: Poetry, Intellectual history, Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Western Ontario, assistant professor of English, Huron College, 1977-80, professor of English and theory, 1990-, Canada Research chair, 2001-, director, Center for Theory, 1995-2001; Queen's University, Kingston, ON, assistant and then associate professor of English, 1980-85; University of Wisconsin, Madison, professor of English, 1985-90. Publications: Myth in Metal Mirror, 1967; Dark Interpreter: The Discourse of Romanticism, 1980; The Supplement of Reading: Figures of Understanding in Romantic Theory and Practice, 1990; Deconstruction and the Remainder of Phenomenology: Sartre, Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, 2002. EDITOR: Intersections: 19th Century Philosophy and Contemporary Theory, 1995; Romanticism, History and the Possibilities of Genre, 1998; Mary Shelley: Valperga, 1998; After Poststructuralism: Writing the Intellectual History of Theory, 2001. Address: Dept of English, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada N6A 3K7. Online address: trajan@uwo.ca