Rabb, Theodore K.
RABB, Theodore K.
RABB, Theodore K. American (born Czech Republic), b. 1937. Genres: History. Career: Professor of History, Princeton University, NJ, 1976- (Associate Professor, 1967-76). Instructor, Stanford University, CA, 1961-62, and Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1962-63; Assistant Professor, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1963-67; Visiting Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1969, and State University of New York, Binghamton, 1972-73. Publications: (ed.) The Thirty Years' War, 1964; Enterprise and Empire, 1967; The Struggle for Stability in Early Modern Europe, 1975; Climate and History, 1981; Renaissance Lives: Portraits of an Age, 1993, rev. ed., 2000; Origins of the Modern West, 1993; (co-author) The Western Experience, 6th ed., 1994, 8th ed., 2003; Jacobean Gentleman: Sir Edwin Sandys 1561-1629, 1998. CO-EDITOR: Action and Conviction in Early Modern Europe, 1969; The Family in History, 1973; Marriage and Fertility, 1980; Industrialization and Urbanization, 1981; The New History, 1982; Hunger and History, 1983; Population and Economy, 1986; Art and History, 1988; The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars, 1988 1988. Address: Dept. of History, 129 Dickinson Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, U.S.A. Online address: tkr@princeton.edu