Price, Victor (Henry John)

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PRICE, Victor (Henry John)

PRICE, Victor (Henry John). British, b. 1930. Genres: Novels, Plays/ Screenplays, Poetry, Translations. Career: Held teaching appointments in Northern Ireland, 1952-54, and in W. Germany, 1954-55; worked for BBC, 1956-59, and 1963-90; and for Radio Hong Kong, 1960-63. Publications: The Death of Achilles, 1963; The Other Kingdom, 1964, rev. ed., 1996; Caliban's Wooing, 1966; (trans.) The Plays of Georg Buchner, 1971; Two Parts Water (verse), 1982; Love among the Tulips (play), 2000. Address: 178 King's Rd, Belfast BT5 7EN, Northern Ireland. Online address: