Preston-Mafham, Rod(ney Arthur)

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PRESTON-MAFHAM, Rod(ney Arthur)

PRESTON-MAFHAM, Rod(ney Arthur). British, b. 1942. Genres: Zoology, Natural history. Career: Premaphotos Wildlife (picture library), Bodmin, England, partner and photographer, 1976-. Biology teacher and department head at a grammar school in Alcester, England, 1974-88. Publications: WITH K. PRESTON-MAFHAM: Spiders of the World, 1984; Butterflies of the World, 1988; The Book of Spiders and Scorpions, 1991; Cacti: The Illustrated Dictionary, 1991; Primates of the World, 1992; The Encyclopedia of Land Invertebrate Behaviour, 1993; The Natural History of Insects, 1996; The Natural History of Spiders, 1996. Address: Premaphotos Wildlife, Amberstone, 1 Kirland Rd., Bodmin, Cornwall PL30 5JQ, England. Online address:

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