In Praise of Love

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In Praise of Love ★★ Eloge de L'Amour; Eulogy of Love 2001

The aged New Wave pioneer has made a generally in comprehensible, didatic, visually interest ing film that will be mostly of interest to Godard completists. Director Edgar (Putzulu) is in the process of casting his latest production (which is about the stages of love) but discovers the young woman, Berthe, he wants for his lead has committed suicide. The film then flashes back a couple of years to Edgar interviewing an elderly couple who fought in the Resistance and who are thinking of selling their story for an American film. Their granddaughter, who turns out to be Berthe, is present at the interview. French with subtitles. 98m/C VHS, DVD . FR SI Bruno Putzulu, Cecile Camp, Jean Davy, Francoise Verney, Audrey Klebaner, Jeremy Lippman, Claude Baigneres; D: Jean-Luc Godard; W: Jean-Luc Godard; C: Christophe Pollock, Julien Hirsch.

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