Powers, Lyall H(arris)
POWERS, Lyall H(arris)
POWERS, Lyall H(arris). American (born Canada), b. 1924. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Wisconsin, instructor in English, 1955; University of Michigan, professor of English, 1967-93, professor emeritus, 1994-. Visiting associate professor at University of British Columbia, 1963; visiting professor at University of Gottingen, 1974, and University of Hawaii, 1982. Publications: Henry James and French Naturalism, 1956; The Portable Henry James, rev. ed., 1968; The Merrill Guide to Henry James, 1969; (comp.) The Merrill Studies in The Portrait of a Lady, 1970; Henry James: An Introduction and Interpretation, 1970; Henry James and the Naturalist Movement, 1971; Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha Comedy, 1980; The Portrait of a Lady: Maiden, Woman, and Heroine, 1991. EDITOR: Henry James's Major Novels: Essays in Criticism, 1973; (with L. Edel) The Complete Notebooks of Henry James, 1988; (with C.V. Eby) Leon Edel and Literary Art, 1988; Henry James and Edith Wharton: Letters, 1900-1915, 1989. Address: Department of English, 3187 Angell Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003, U.S.A.