Pospisil, Leopold Jaroslav

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POSPISIL, Leopold Jaroslav

POSPISIL, Leopold Jaroslav. American (born Czechoslovakia), b. 1923. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology, Economics, Law. Career: Yale University, New Haven, CT, Peabody Museum, Division of Anthropology, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology and Law, 1993- (Research Assistant, Peabody Museum, 1953-56; Instructor in Anthropology, 1956-57; Assistant Curator, 1956-60; Assistant Professor, 1957-60; Associate Professor and Associate Curator, 1960-65; Professor of Anthropology, Curator and Director, and Ed. of University Publs. in Anthropology, 1965-93). Publications: Law among the Kapauku of Netherlands New Guinea, 1956; Kapauku Papuans and Their Law, 1958; Kapauku Papuan Economy, 1963; The Kapauku Papuans of Western New Guinea, 1963; Anthropology of Law, 1971; The Ethnology of Law, 1972; Anthropologie des Rechts, 1982; Obernberg: A Quantitative Analysis of a Tirolean Peasant Economy, 1996; Sociocultural Anthropology, 2004. Address: Yale University, Dept of Anthropology, 51 Hillhouse Ave, PO Box 208277, New Haven, CT 06520-8277, U.S.A. Online address: anthropology@yale.edu

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