Pong, David (B. P. T.)

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PONG, David (B. P. T.)

PONG, David (B. P. T.). American (born Hong Kong), b. 1939. Genres: Area studies, History. Career: University of Delaware, Newark, assistant professor, 1969-73, associate professor, 1973-89, professor of history, 1989-, head of department, 1992-98, director of East Asian Studies Program, 1989-. Harvard University, research associate at East Asian Research Center, 1968; American Council of Learned Societies, research fellow, 1973-74; Australian National University, research fellow in Far Eastern history, 1978-82; University of Hawaii at Manoa, visiting scholar at East-West Center, 1980; Princeton University, visiting associate professor, 1988. Publications: (ed. and author of intro.) Lo Ta-ch'un, T'ai-wan hai-fang ping k'ai-shan jih-chi (a journal covering the defense and development of Taiwan, 1874-75), 1972; A Critical Guide to the Kwangtung Provincial Archives Deposited at the Public Record Office of London (monograph), 1975; Ideal and Reality: Social and Political Change in Modern China, 1860-1949, 1985; Shen Pao-chen and China's Modernization in the Nineteenth Century, 1994; Shen Baozhen ping- zhuan: Zhongguo jindaihua de changshi (A Critical Biography of Shen Baozhen: China's Venture in Modernization), 2000. Contributor of articles and reviews to academic journals. Address: Department of History, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, U.S.A.

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