Polukhina, Valentina

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POLUKHINA, Valentina

POLUKHINA, Valentina. British (born Russia), b. 1936. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Teacher of Russian language and literature at a high school in the USSR, 1959-61; Moscow University, USSR, lecturer in Russian language, 1962-68, 1972-73; Keele University, Newcastle, England, assistant in Russian studies, 1973-76, lecturer, 1976-91, reader in Russian literature, 1991-95, professor of Russian literature, 1995-; writer. Publications: Joseph Brodsky: A Poet for Our Time, 1989; Brodsky through the Eyes of His Contemporaries, 1992; (with U. Pauml) The Dictionary of Brodsky's Tropes, 1995; Brodskii glazami sovremennikof, 1997. EDITOR: (with L. Loseff) Brodsky's Poetics and Aesthetics, 1990; (with F. Andrew and R. Reid) Literary Tradition and Practice in Russian Culture, 1993; Brodsky's Genres, 1995; (with L. Loseff) Joseph Brodsky: The Art of a Poem, 1999; Brodsky as a Critic, 2000; Selection of Brodsky's Interviews (Bol'shaia kniga interv'iu Brodskogo), 2000; E. Rein, Selected Poems, 2001; (with D. Weissbort) Russian Women Poets, 2002. Address: c/o Bloodaxe Books Ltd, Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland NE48 1RP, England. Online address: valentina@polukhina.fsnet.co.uk

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