Pierce, David
PIERCE, David. British, b. 1947. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Translations. Career: Teacher with the British Council, Madrid, Spain, 1970- 71; high school teacher, 1974-78; York St. John, York, England, professor of English and Irish literature, 1978-. Publications: (with M. Eagleton) Attitudes to Class in the English Novel from Walter Scott to David Storey, 1979; W.B. Yeats: A Guide through the Critical Maze, 1989; James Joyce's Ireland, 1992; Yeats's Worlds: Ireland, England and the Poetic Imagination, 1995; (ed. with P. de Voogd) Laurence Sterne in Modernism and Postmodernism, 1996; W.B. Yeats Critical Assessments, 4 vols., 2000; Irish Writing in the Twentieth Century: A Reader, 2001. Address: York St. John, Lord Mayor's Walk, York YO30 7EX, England. Online address: d.pierce@yorksj.ac.uk