Phillipson, David W.

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PHILLIPSON, David W. British, b. 1942. Genres: Anthropology/ Ethnology, Archaeology/Antiquities. Career: Zambia National Monuments Commission, secretary/inspector, 1964-72; British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi, assistant director, 1973-79; Glasgow Museums and Art Galleries, keeper of archaeology, ethnography, and history, 1979-81; Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, director and curator, 1981-, reader in African prehistory, 19912001, professor of African Archaeology, 2001-. Publications: (with B.M. Fagan and S.G.H. Daniels) Iron Age Cultures in Zambia, vol. II, 1969; National Monuments of Zambia, 1973; (ed. and contrib.) Mosi-oa-Tunya: A Handbook to the Victoria Falls Region, 1975, rev. ed., 1990; The Prehistory of Eastern Zambia, 1976; The Later Prehistory of Eastern and Southern Africa, 1977; (with L. Phillipson) East Africa's Prehistoric Past, 1978; African Archaeology, 1985, rev. ed., 1993; (ed.) African Archaeological Review, 1986-94; The Monuments of Aksum, 1997; Ancient Ethiopia, 1998; Archaeology at Aksum, Ethiopia, 1993-97, 2000; Archaeology in Africa and in Museums, 2003. Address: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University, Downing St, Cambridge CB2 3DZ, England. Online address:

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Phillipson, David W.

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