Phantom of the Paradise

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Phantom of the Paradise ★★ 1974 (PG)

A rock ‘n' roll parody of “Phantom of the Opera.” Splashy, only occasionally horrific spoof in which cruel music executive Williams, much to his everlasting regret, swindles a songwriter. Violence ensues. Not for most, or even many, tastes. Graham steals the film as rocker Beef. A failure at the boxoffice, and now a cult item (small enthusiastic cult with few outside interests) for its oddball humor and outrageous rock star parodies. Williams also wrote the turgid score. ♫Good-bye, Eddie, Goodbye; Faust; Upholstery; Special to Me; Old Souls; Somebody Super Like You; Life At Last; The Hell of It; The Phantom's Theme (Beauty and the Beast). 92m/C VHS, DVD . Paul Williams, William Finley, Jessica Harper, Gerrit Graham, George Memmoli, Archie Hahn; D: Brian De Palma; W: Brian De Palma; C: Larry Pizer; M: George Aliceson Tipton, Paul Williams.

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