Pflüg, Melissa A.

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PFLÜG, Melissa A.

PFLÜG, Melissa A. American, b. 1955. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology, History, Law, Mythology/Folklore, Philosophy, Sociology, Theology/ Religion. Career: Ford Motor Co., Automotive Safety Office, human factors engineer, 1979; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, research associate at Transportation Research Institute, 1980-85; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, part-time teacher of anthropology, 1991-92, adjunct professor of anthropology, 1996-; University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, assistant professor of anthropology, 1993-96; Henry Ford Community College, instructor, 1981- 85; Cranbrook Institute of Science, research associate, 1990-92; North Central Michigan College, adjunct professor, 1992. Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians Inc., field affiliate and consultant, 1991-94; conducted anthropological field work in Michigan, California, and Ontario; international photographer, 1984-; guest lecturer in Russia, 1984-; Detroit Historical Museum, guest curator, 1999-2002. Publications: (ed. with T. McDonald and R. Wood, and contrib.) Rural Criminal Justice: Conditions, Constraints, and Challenges, 1996; Ritual and Myth in Odawa Revitalization: Reclaiming a Sovereign Place, 1998. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals. Address: 1770 Graefield Rd, Birmingham, MI 48009, U.S.A. Online address:

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