Pettigrew, Judy

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PETTIGREW, Judy. (Judith Hoyt). American, b. 1943. Genres: Essays. Career: Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH, field researcher in market research, 1965-66; JP's Distinctive Marketing, Cincinnati, freelance marketing writer, 1968-76; United Air Specialist, Cincinnati, manager of product marketing, 1976-80; Union Central Life, Cincinnati, manager of marketing communications, 1980-82; Creative Consortium Inc. (brokerage firm for marketing professionals), Cincinnati, founder and president, 1982-. Wow! Unlimited Inc. (creator of programs and products for women), founder and chief executive officer, 1998-; Consortium for NonProfit Marketing, executive director, 199498. Publications: Cincinnati Women: Jewels in the Crown, 1988; Sure I Can Rollerskate on Jell-O!, 1989; Been There. Done That. Bought the T-Shirt!, 1995; From Hot Flashes to Power Surges, 1996; If I Should Die before I Wake…, 1998. Address: Wow! Unlimited Inc., 4850 Marieview Ct., Cincinnati, OH 45236, U.S.A. Online address:

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