Petry, Alice Hall

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PETRY, Alice Hall

PETRY, Alice Hall. (Alice H. Farley). American, b. 1951. Genres: Women's studies and issues, Novellas/Short stories. Career: Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, instructor, 1979-80, assistant professor, 1980-86, associate professor, 1986-92, professor of English, 1992; Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, professor and chair, dept of English, 1995-. Visiting professor at University of Colorado, Boulder, spring, 1987. USIA lecturer in Japan, 1991. Fulbright Scholar, Brazil, 1985. Publications: A Genius in His Way: The Art of Cable's "Old Creole Days," 1988; Fitzgerald's Craft of Short Fiction: The Collected Stories, 1920-1935, 1989; Understanding Anne Tyler, 1990; Critical Essays on Anne Tyler, 1992; Critical Essays on Kate Chopin, 1996. Address: Department of English Language and Literature, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Peck Hall 3206 Box 1431, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1431, U.S.A. Online address:

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