Perrett, Bryan

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PERRETT, Bryan. British, b. 1934. Genres: Children's fiction, History, Military/Defense/Arms control. Career: Served in the Royal Armoured Corps, Regular and Territorial Army, 1952-70; Defence Correspondent, Liverpool Echo, during the Falklands and Gulf Wars. Publications: Fighting Vehicles of the Red Army, 1969; NATO Armour, 1971; The Valentine in North Africa 1942-43, 1972; The Matilda, 1973; The Churchill, 1974; Through Mud and Blood, 1975; Tank Tracks to Rangoon, 1978; The Lee/ Grant Tank in British Service, 1978; Allied Tank Destroyers, 1979; Wavell's Offensive, 1979; Sturmartillerie and Panzerjager, 1979; The Churchill Tank, 1980; The Stuart Light Tank Series, 1980; The Panzerkampfwagen III IV and V, 3 vols., 1980-81; British Tanks in North Africa 1940-42, 1981; (with A. Lord) Czar's British Squadron, 1981; The Tiger Tanks, 1981; History of Biltzkrieg, 1982; German Armoured Cars, 1982; German Light Panzers, 1982; Weapons of the Falklands Conflict, 1982; Mechanized Infantry, 1984; The Hawks, 1984; (ed. and contrib.) Elite Fighting Units, 1984; Lightning War, 1985; Allied Tanks Italy, 1985; Allied Tanks North Africa, 1986; Knights of the Black Cross, 1986; A Hawk at War, 1986; Soviet Armour since 1945, 1987; Desert Warfare, 1988; (with I. Hogg) Encyclopedia of the Second World War, 1989; Canopy of War, 1990; Tank Warfare, 1990; Liverpool: A City at War, 1990; Last Stand!, 1991; The Battle Book, 1992; At All Costs, 1993; Seize and Hold, 1994; Iron Fist, 1995; Against All Odds!, 1995; Impossible Victories, 1996; The Real Hornblower-The Life & Times of Admiral Sir James Gordon, 1998; Megiddo, 1999; Gunboat, 2000; The Taste of Battle, 2000; The Changing Face of Battle, 2000; Last Convoy, 2000; Beach Assault, 2000; Heroes of the Hour, 2001; Trafalgar, 2002; The Crimea, 2002; Waterloo, 2003; For Valour-Victoria Cross & Medal of Honor Battles, 2003. Address: 7 Maple Ave, Burscough near Ormskirk, Lancs., England. Online address:

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