Pearl, David

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PEARL, David

PEARL, David. British, b. 1944. Genres: Law, Medicine/Health. Career: Cambridge University, university lecturer, 1967-89; University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, professor of law and dean of School of Law, 1989- 94; Immigration Appeals Authority, chief adjudicator, 1994-98; Immigration Appeals Tribunal, president, 1998-99; Judicial Studies Board, director of studies, 1999-2002; Care Standards Tribunal, president, 2002-. Publications: A Textbook on Muslim Law, 1979, 3rd ed. (with W. Menski), 1998; Family Law and Society, 1983, 5th ed., 2002; Family Law and Immigrant Communities, 1986; (with A. Grubb) Blood Testing: AIDS and DNA Profiling, 1990. EDITOR: (with J.M. Eekelaar) An Aging World, 1989; (with A. Bainham) Frontiers of Family Law, 1993. Address: Care Standards Tribunal, 18 Pocock St, London SE1 0BW, England. Online address:

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