Peace, Richard (Arthur)

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PEACE, Richard (Arthur)

PEACE, Richard (Arthur). British, b. 1933. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Bristol, England, lecturer, senior lecturer in Russian, 1963-75, professor of Russian, 1984-94, professor emeritus, 1994-; University of Hull, England, professor of Russian, 1975-84. Publications: Dostoyevsky: An Examination of the Major Novels, 1971; The Enigma of Gogol: An Examination of the Writings of N.V. Gogol and Their Place in the Russian Literary Tradition, 1981; Chekhov: A Study of the Four Major Plays, 1983; "Oblomov": A Critical Examination of Goncharov's Novel, 1991; Dostoevsky: "Notes from Underground," 1993. EDITOR: (with intro., bibliog, and vocabulary) A.S. Griboyedov, Woe from Wit, 1995. Address: University of Bristol, 17 Woodland Rd, Bristol, England. Online address:

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