Parry, Graham

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PARRY, Graham

PARRY, Graham. British, b. 1940. Genres: Art/Art history. Career: Professor of English and author of books on literary and cultural history. Columbia University, NYC, preceptor, 1962-65; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, assistant professor, 1965-67; University of Leeds, England, lecturer in English, 1967-76; University of York, Heslington, England, lecturer in English, 1977-, became professor of Renaissance literature. Visiting professor at Universite de Toulouse, 1972-73, City College of New York, 1975-76, Doshisha University, 1981-82, 1997-98, and University of British Columbia, 1993-94. Society of Antiquaries, fellow. Publications: Lady Mary Wroth's Urania, 1975; The Pre-Raphaelite Image: Style and Subject 1848-56, 1978; Hollar's England: A Mid-Seventeenth Century View, 1980; The Golden Age Restor'd: The Culture of the Stuart Court 1603-1642, 1981; Seventeenth- Century Poetry: The Social Context, 1985; The Seventeenth Century: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature, 1603-1700, 1989; The Trophies of Time: English Antiquarians of the Seventeenth Century, 1995; The Life and Letters of John Talman, 1997. EDITOR: Milton and the Terms of Liberty, 2002. Address: 28 Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, England. Online address:

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