Parrish, William E.
PARRISH, William E.
PARRISH, William E. American, b. 1931. Genres: History, Biography. Career: Westminster College, Fulton, MO, member of the faculty, 1955-78, Harry S. Truman Professor of American History, 1971-78, dean of the college, 1973-75; Mississippi State University, professor, 1978-96, emeritus professor of history, 1996-. Sesquicentennial History of Missouri, general editor. Publications: David Rice Atchison of Missouri: Border Politician, 1961; Turbulent Partnership: Missouri and the Union 1861-1865, 1963; Missouri under Radical Rule 1865-1870, 1965; (ed.) The Civil War: A Second American Revolution?, 1970; Westminster College: An Informal History, 1971, rev. ed., 2000; A History of Missouri 1860-1875, 1973; (with C.T. Jones and L.O. Christensen) Missouri: The Heart of the Nation, 1980, 3rd ed., 2003; Frank Blair: Lincoln's Conservative, 1998; The History of Phi Gamma Delta, 1925-1996, 1998; A History of Missouri, 1860 to 1875, 2001. Address: Dept of History, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762, U.S.A. Online address: