Parker, D(avid) C.

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PARKER, D(avid) C.

PARKER, D(avid) C. British, b. 1953. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Curate of Christian churches in London, England, 1977-80, and in Oxford- shire, England, 1980-85; Queen's Theological College, Birmingham, England, tutor, 1985-93; University of Birmingham, professor of New Testament textual criticism and paleography. International Greek New Testament Project, coeditor. Publications: Codex Bezae: An Early Christian Manuscript and Its Text, 1992; The Living Text of the Gospels, 1997. Address: Centre for the Editing of Texts in Religion, Department of Theology, Elinfeld House, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B29 6LQ, England. Online address:

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Parker, D(avid) C.

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